All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- acceptInvalidatedCard() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Request to accept invalidated cards during the selection stage.
- addAuthorizedSessionKey(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Adds an authorized session key defined by its KIF and KVC values.
- addAuthorizedSvKey(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Adds an authorized Stored Value key defined by its KIF and KVC values.
- addCaCertificate(CaCertificate) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Registers a CA certificate.
- addCaCertificateParser(CaCertificateParser) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Registers a CA certificate parser.
- addCardCertificateParser(CardCertificateParser) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Registers a card certificate parser.
- addPcaCertificate(PcaCertificate) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Registers a self-signed PCA certificate.
- assignDefaultKif(WriteAccessLevel, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Defines for a given write access level the default KIF value to use when it could not be determined by any other means.
- assignDefaultKvc(WriteAccessLevel, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Defines for a given write access level the KVC value to use for cards that do not provide KVC.
- assignKif(WriteAccessLevel, byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Defines for a given write access level the KIF value to use for cards that only provide KVC.
- AsymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Card transaction manager factory provided by crypto extensions to secure Calypso card transactions secured by asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms (PKI).
- AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Security setting for a Calypso card transaction secured by "asymmetric" key cryptographic algorithms (PKI).
- authorizeSvNegativeBalance() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Allows the SV balance to become negative.
- BASIC - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Card Calypso Basic
- BINARY - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
A "binary" EF contains a single continuous sequence of data bytes from byte #0 (first byte) to byte #N−1 (last byte, for a "binary" file of N bytes).
- CA_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Certification Authority (CA) certificate.
- CA_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.PutDataTag
Certification Authority (CA) certificate.
- CaCertificate - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Marker interface for CA certificate.
- CaCertificateParser - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Marker interface for CA certificate parser.
- CalypsoCard - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Extends the
interface of the "Keypop Reader API" to provide additional functionality specific to Calypso cards. - CalypsoCard.ProductType - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
All Calypso Card products supported by this API.
- CalypsoCardApiFactory - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Calypso Card API Factory.
- CalypsoCardApiProperties - Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
API properties.
- CalypsoCardSelectionExtension - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Extends the
interface of the "Keypop Reader API" to provide means to define optional commands to be executed during the selection phase. - CARD_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Card certificate.
- CARD_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.PutDataTag
Card certificate.
- CARD_KEY_PAIR - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.PutDataTag
Card key pair.
- CARD_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Card public key.
- CardCertificate - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Marker interface for card certificate.
- CardCertificateParser - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Marker interface for card certificate parser.
- CardIOException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates a communication error with the card (e.g.
- CardIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CardIOException
- CardIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CardIOException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- CardSignatureNotVerifiableException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the card has correctly closed the secure session, but that it is impossible to check the authenticity of the card session because the cryptographic module is no more available (timeout, network problem, etc.).
- CardSignatureNotVerifiableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CardSignatureNotVerifiableException
- CardSignatureNotVerifiableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CardSignatureNotVerifiableException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- CardTransactionCryptoExtension - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
SPI provided by the crypto extension associated with the current transaction, enriching the card transaction command set with specific crypto commands such as for example computation and signature verification operations.
- ChannelControl - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Policy for managing the physical channel after a card request is executed.
- CLOSE_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ChannelControl
Terminates communication with the card.
The physical channel closes instantly or a card removal sequence is initiated depending on the observation mode. - COUNTERS - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
A Counters EF is made of a single record containing an ordered sequence of K counters of three bytes each, from counter #1 (bytes at offsets 0, 1 and 2 of the record) to counter #K.
- createAsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting(AsymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createCalypsoCardSelectionExtension() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createFreeTransactionManager(CardReader, CalypsoCard) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createSearchCommandData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createSecureExtendedModeTransactionManager(CardReader, CalypsoCard, SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createSecurePkiModeTransactionManager(CardReader, CalypsoCard, AsymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createSecureRegularModeTransactionManager(CardReader, CalypsoCard, SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - createSymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting(SymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiFactory
Returns a new instance of
. - CryptoException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that an error occurred when computing a crypto operation.
- CryptoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CryptoException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- CryptoIOException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates a communication error with the crypto module (e.g.
- CryptoIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.CryptoIOException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- CURRENT_DF - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.SelectFileControl
The current Calypso DF
- CYCLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
A "cyclic" EF is made of 1 to several records organized in a cycle, from the most recent (record #1) to the oldest.
- DEBIT - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvOperation
Decrease the balance of the stored value
- DEBIT - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.WriteAccessLevel
For debit operations only.
- DirectoryHeader - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Calypso DF metadata.
- disableReadOnSessionOpening() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Disables the automatic merging of the "Open Secure Session" command with a possible "Read Record" command.
- DO - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvAction
In the case of a
, loads a positive amount; in the case of aSvOperation.DEBIT
, debits a positive amount
- EF_LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
List of EFs in the current DF.
- ElementaryFile - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Calypso Elementary File.
- ElementaryFile.Type - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
The different types of EF.
- enableMultipleSession() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Enables multiple session mode to allow more changes to the card than the session buffer can handle.
- enablePinPlainTransmission() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Enables the PIN transmission in plain text.
- enableRatificationMechanism() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Enables the ratification mechanism to handle the early removal of the card preventing the terminal from receiving the acknowledgement of the session closing.
- enableRepeatedOffset() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Allows the command to analyze the data present at the given offset, and repeatedly at each following offset, until the end of the record is reached.
- enableSvLoadAndDebitLog() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Enables the retrieval of both loading and debit log records.
- FCI_FOR_CURRENT_DF - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
FCI for the current DF, as returned by Select Application.
- FCP_FOR_CURRENT_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
FCP for the current file, as returned by Select File.
- fetchFirstMatchingResult() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Requests to fetch the content of the first matching record into the
. - FileData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Calypso EF content.
- FileHeader - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Calypso EF metadata.
- FIRST_EF - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.SelectFileControl
The first EF of the current Calypso DF
- FreeTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Manager of card transactions requiring no cryptographic computation.
- getAccessConditions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets a reference to access conditions.
- getAccessConditions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets a reference to the access conditions.
- getAllCountersValue() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets all known counters value.
The counters values are extracted from record #1.
If last counter has a truncated value (when size of record #1 modulo 3 != 0), then last counter value is not returned. - getAllRecordsContent() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets a reference to all known records content.
- getAmount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the debit amount value
- getAmount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the load amount value
- getApplicationSerialNumber() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Calypso application serial number as an array of bytes.
- getApplicationSubtype() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Application Subtype that provides a reference to the file structure of the Calypso DF.
- getApplicationType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Application Type byte which determines the Calypso product type and various options.
- getBalance() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the SV balance value
- getBalance() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the SV balance value
- getCaCertificate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns the CA certificate.
- getCardCertificate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns the card certificate.
- getCardPublicKey() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns the card public key.
- getContent() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets a reference to the known content of record #1.
For a "binary" file, it means all the bytes of the file. - getContent(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets a reference to the known content of a specific record.
- getContent(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets a copy of a known content subset of a specific record from dataOffset to dataLength.
- getContentAsCounterValue(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileData
Gets the known value of the counter #numCounter.
The counter value is extracted from the 3 next bytes at the index [(numCounter - 1) * 3] of the record #1.
e.g. - getCryptoExtension(Class<E>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureTransactionManager
Returns the associated
instance. - getData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile
Gets the file data.
- GetDataTag - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Enumeration of all output data types.
- getDebitDate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the debit date as an array of bytes
- getDebitTime() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the debit time as an array of bytes
- getDfName() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the DF name as an array of bytes.
- getDfStatus() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets the DF status.
- getDfStatus() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the DF status.
- getDirectoryHeader() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns the metadata of the current DF.
- getEfType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the Elementary File type.
- getFileByLid(short) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns a reference to the
that has the provided LID value. - getFileBySfi(byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns a reference to the
that has the provided SFI. - getFiles() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns a reference to the set of all known Elementary Files contains inside the current DF.
- getFreeData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the free bytes as an array of bytes
- getHeader() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile
Gets the file header.
- getKeyIndexes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets a reference to keys indexes.
- getKeyIndexes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets a reference to the keys indexes.
- getKif(WriteAccessLevel) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets the KIF associated to the provided write access level.
- getKvc() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the KVC of the debit key (as given in the last SV Debit)
- getKvc() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the KVC of the load key (as given in the last SV Reload)
- getKvc(WriteAccessLevel) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets the KVC associated to the provided write access level.
- getLid() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.DirectoryHeader
Gets the associated LID.
- getLid() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the associated LID.
- getLoadDate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the load date as an array of bytes
- getLoadTime() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the load time as an array of bytes
- getMatchingRecordNumbers() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Returns a list containing the numbers of the records who has matched.
- getPinAttemptRemaining() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gives the number of erroneous PIN presentations remaining before blocking.
- getPlatform() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the platform identification byte which is the reference of the chip.
- getProductType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the card product type.
- getRawData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the raw data of the SV debit log record.
- getRawData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the raw data of the SV load log record.
- getRecordSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the size of a record : For a "counter" file, the record size is the original size of the record #1.
Extra bytes (rest of the division of the file size by 3) aren't accessible. - getRecordsNumber() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the number of records : For a "counter" file, the number of records is always 1.
Extra bytes (rest of the division of the file size by 3) aren't accessible. - getSamId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the SAM ID as an array of bytes
- getSamId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the SAM ID as an array of bytes
- getSamTNum() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the SAM transaction number value as an int
- getSamTNum() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the SAM transaction number value as an int
- getSessionModification() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the session modification byte from the startup info structure.
- getSfi() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile
Gets the associated SFI.
- getSharedReference() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.FileHeader
Gets the non-zero unique identifier of the shared data when the file data is shared.
- getSoftwareIssuer() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Software Issuer byte that indicates the entity responsible for the software of the selected application.
- getSoftwareRevision() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Software Revision field that may be set to any fixed value by the Software Issuer of the Calypso application.
- getSoftwareVersion() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the Software Version field that may be set to any fixed value by the Software Issuer of the Calypso application.
- getStartupInfoRawData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the raw Calypso startup information.
- getSvBalance() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the current SV balance value
- getSvDebitLogAllRecords() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets list of references to the
read from the card. - getSvDebitLogLastRecord() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets a reference to the last
- getSvLastTNum() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the last SV transaction number
- getSvLoadLogRecord() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets a reference to the last
- getSvTNum() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvDebitLogRecord
Gets the SV transaction number value as an int
- getSvTNum() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.SvLoadLogRecord
Gets the SV transaction number value as an int
- getTraceabilityInformation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Gets the traceability information of the product.
- getTransactionAuditData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns the audit data of the transaction containing all APDU exchanges with the card and the cryptographic module.
- getTransactionCounter() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Returns the transaction counter value provided in the output data of the last successful "Open Secure Session" command.
- InconsistentDataException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates the detection of inconsistent data related to one of the following cases: A de-synchronization of the APDU exchanges.
- InconsistentDataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InconsistentDataException
- initCryptoContextForNextTransaction() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Prepares the cryptographic module for the next transaction by anticipating all security context configuration operations.
- InvalidCardSignatureException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the card signature is incorrect.
- InvalidCardSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidCardSignatureException
- InvalidCardSignatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidCardSignatureException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- InvalidCertificateException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the certificate is invalid.
- InvalidCertificateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidCertificateException
- InvalidCertificateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidCertificateException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- InvalidPinException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the provided PIN is invalid.
- InvalidPinException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidPinException
- InvalidPinException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.InvalidPinException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- isDfInvalidated() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Tells if the current DF is invalidated or not.
- isDfRatified() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Tells if the last session with this card has been ratified or not.
- isExtendedModeSupported() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates whether the Extended Mode is supported or not (since rev 3.2).
- isHce() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates if the card is a Calypso HCE (Host Card Emulation) .
- isPinBlocked() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates if the PIN is blocked.
- isPinFeatureAvailable() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates whether the card has the Calypso PIN feature.
- isPkiModeSupported() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates whether the Public Key Authentication is supported or not (since rev 3.3).
- isRatificationOnDeselectSupported() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates if the ratification is done on deselect (ratification command not necessary).
- isSvFeatureAvailable() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard
Indicates whether the card has the Calypso Stored Value feature.
- KEEP_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ChannelControl
Leaves the physical channel open.
- LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Card Calypso Light
- LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
A "linear" EF is made of 1 to several records.
- LOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.WriteAccessLevel
For load and debit operations only.
- NEXT_EF - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.SelectFileControl
The next EF of the current Calypso DF
- org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Components used in applications to manage Calypso cards.
- org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Calypso card data structures and selection API.
- org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Calypso card transaction API.
- org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
SPIs to be implemented by Calypso crypto extensions.
- PcaCertificate - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Marker interface for PCA certificate.
- PERSONALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.WriteAccessLevel
For personalization, load and debit operations.
- prepareActivateEncryption() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureExtendedModeTransactionManager
Requests the encryption of all following commands.
- prepareAppendRecord(byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Append Record" command to adds the data provided in the indicated "cyclic" file.
- prepareCancelSecureSession() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a special "Close Secure Session" command in order to abort the current secure session.
- prepareChangeKey(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of "Change Key" command to replace one of the current card keys with another key present in the cryptographic module.
- prepareChangePin(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Change PIN" command to replace the current PIN with the new value provided.
- prepareCheckPinStatus() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Verify Pin" command without PIN presentation in order to get the attempt counter.
- prepareCloseSecureSession() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Close Secure Session" command.
- prepareDeactivateEncryption() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureExtendedModeTransactionManager
Requests to stop encryption for the following commands.
- prepareDecreaseCounter(byte, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Decrease" command to decrease the target counter.
- prepareDecreaseCounters(byte, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Decrease Multiple" command or multiple "Decrease" commands to decrease multiple target counters at the same time.
- prepareEarlyMutualAuthentication() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureExtendedModeTransactionManager
Requests to mutually authenticate the card and the terminal before the secure session is closed.
- prepareGenerateAsymmetricKeyPair() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Generate Asymmetric Key Pair" command.
- prepareGetData(GetDataTag) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a "Get Data" command to retrieve the data indicated by the provided tag.
- prepareGetData(GetDataTag) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or more "Get Data" command to retrieve the data indicated by the provided data type.
- prepareIncreaseCounter(byte, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Increase" command to increase the target counter.
- prepareIncreaseCounters(byte, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Increase Multiple" command or multiple "Increase" commands to increase multiple target counters at the same time.
- prepareInvalidate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Invalidate" command.
- prepareOpenSecureSession() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecurePkiModeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Open Secure Session" command in PKI mode.
- prepareOpenSecureSession(WriteAccessLevel) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Open Secure Session" command.
- preparePreOpenSecureSession(WriteAccessLevel) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a specific "Open Secure Session" command to attempt a secure session pre-opening.
- preparePutData(PutDataTag, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or more "Put Data" command to inject the provided data associated with the provided data type.
- prepareReadBinary(byte, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds one or multiple "Read Binary" commands to read all or part of the indicated "binary" EF.
- prepareReadBinary(byte, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or multiple "Read Binary" commands to read all or part of the indicated "binary" EF.
- prepareReadCounter(byte, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a "Read Records" command to read a part of a record of the indicated EF, which should be a counter file.
- prepareReadCounter(byte, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Records" command to reads a record of the indicated EF, which should be a "counter" file.
- prepareReadRecord(byte, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a "Read Records" command to read a single record from the indicated "linear" or "cyclic" EF.
- prepareReadRecord(byte, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Records" command to read a single record from the indicated EF.
- prepareReadRecords(byte, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Records" command to read one or more records from the indicated EF.
- prepareReadRecordsPartially(byte, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or multiple "Read Record Multiple" commands to read all or parts of multiple records of the indicated EF.
- prepareRehabilitate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Rehabilitate" command.
- prepareSearchRecords(SearchCommandData) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Search Record Multiple" command to search data in the records of the indicated EF, from a given record to the last record of the file.
- prepareSelectFile(short) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a "Select File" command to select an EF by its LID in the current DF.
- prepareSelectFile(short) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Select File" command to select an EF by its LID in the current DF.
- prepareSelectFile(SelectFileControl) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCardSelectionExtension
Adds a "Select File" command to select file according to the provided
enum entry indicating the navigation case: FIRST, NEXT or CURRENT. - prepareSelectFile(SelectFileControl) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Select File" command using a navigation selectFileControl defined by the ISO standard.
- prepareSetCounter(byte, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Increase" or "Decrease" command to set the value of the target counter.
- prepareSvDebit(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "SV Debit" or "SV Undebit" command to increase the current SV balance or to partially or totally cancels the last SV debit command.
- prepareSvDebit(int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "SV Debit" or "SV Undebit" command to increase the current SV balance or to partially or totally cancels the last SV debit command and using the provided additional data.
- prepareSvGet(SvOperation, SvAction) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "SV Get" command to prepare an SV operation or simply retrieves the current SV status.
- prepareSvReadAllLogs() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of "Read Records" commands to read all SV logs.
- prepareSvReload(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "SV Reload" command to increase the current SV balance.
- prepareSvReload(int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "SV Reload" command to increase the current SV balance and using the provided additional data.
- prepareUpdateBinary(byte, int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or multiple "Update Binary" command to replace the indicated data of a "binary" file with the new data given from the indicated offset.
- prepareUpdateRecord(byte, int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of an "Update Record" command to overwrites the target file's record contents with the provided data.
- prepareVerifyPin(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Verify PIN" command in order to authenticate the cardholder and/or unlock access to certain card files.
- prepareWriteBinary(byte, int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of one or multiple "Write Binary" commands to write over the indicated data of a "binary" file.
- prepareWriteRecord(byte, int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Record" command to updates the target file's record contents with the result of a binary OR between the existing data and the provided data.
- PRIME_REVISION_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Card Calypso Prime revision 1.x
- PRIME_REVISION_2 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Card Calypso Prime revision 2.x
- PRIME_REVISION_3 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Card Calypso Prime revision 3.x
- processCommands(ChannelControl) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.TransactionManager
Processes all previously prepared commands and closes the physical channel if requested.
- PutDataTag - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Enumeration of all input data types.
- ReaderIOException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates a communication error with the reader of the card or crypto module.
- ReaderIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ReaderIOException
- ReaderIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ReaderIOException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- RELOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvOperation
Increase the balance of the stored value
- SearchCommandData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the
method. - SecureExtendedModeTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Manager of card transactions secured by symmetric key cryptographic algorithms, adding additional operations available only for "Calypso Prime Extended" products.
- SecurePkiModeTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Manager of card transactions secured by asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms, compatible with Calypso cards in PKI mode.
- SecureRegularModeTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Manager of card transactions secured by symmetric key cryptographic algorithms, compatible with all Calypso products.
- SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager<T extends SecureSymmetricCryptoTransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Contains operations common to all card transactions secured by "symmetric" key cryptographic algorithms.
- SecureTransactionManager<T extends SecureTransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Contains operations common to all card transactions secured by cryptographic algorithms.
- SelectFileControl - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Enumeration of all expected behaviors of the selection command (see the specifics of this command in the ISO7816-4 standard and the Calypso specification).
- SelectFileException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the file selection failed because it was not found.
- SelectFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SelectFileException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
- SessionBufferOverflowException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the secure session cannot be performed atomically because the session buffer capacity is not sufficient to handle all the prepared write commands.
- SessionBufferOverflowException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SessionBufferOverflowException
- setMask(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Sets the mask of bits to take into account during the comparison (padded right with FFh if absent or incomplete).
- setOffset(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Sets the offset in number of bytes from which the analysis should be performed within a record.
- setPinModificationCipheringKey(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Sets the KIF/KVC pair of the PIN modification ciphering key.
- setPinVerificationCipheringKey(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting
Sets the KIF/KVC pair of the PIN verification ciphering key.
- setSearchData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Sets the data to search.
- setSfi(byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Sets the SFI of the EF in which the search is to be performed.
- SIMULATED_COUNTERS - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
A Simulated "counter" EF is a "linear" file with a single record.
Simulated Counter EFs are present for compatibility with the Calypso Revision 2 access to simulated individual counters. - startAtRecord(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SearchCommandData
Sets the number of the record where the search should begin.
- SvAction - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Defines the type Stored Value of action.
- SvDebitLogRecord - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Record of a Stored Value debit log.
- SvLoadLogRecord - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card
Record of a Stored Value load log.
- SvOperation - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Defines the type of Stored Value operation to be performed.
- SymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.spi
Card transaction manager factory provided by crypto extensions to secure Calypso card transactions secured by "symmetric" key cryptographic algorithms (e.g.
- SymmetricCryptoSecuritySetting - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Security setting for a Calypso card transaction secured by "symmetric" key cryptographic algorithms (e.g.
- TRACEABILITY_INFORMATION - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Product traceability information.
- TransactionManager<T extends TransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Contains operations common to all card transactions.
- UnauthorizedKeyException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that the card requires an unauthorized session key.
- UnauthorizedKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.UnauthorizedKeyException
- UNDO - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvAction
In the case of a
, loads a negative amount; in the case of aSvOperation.DEBIT
, cancels, totally or partially, a previous debit. - UnexpectedCommandStatusException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction
Indicates that an unexpected command status was returned by the card or the cryptographic module.
- UnexpectedCommandStatusException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.UnexpectedCommandStatusException
- UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Application type is equal to 0 or FFh or if the data provided by the selection process is not properly formatted (bad TLV data).
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.PutDataTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.SelectFileControl
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ChannelControl
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvOperation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.WriteAccessLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.CalypsoCard.ProductType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.card.ElementaryFile.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.GetDataTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.PutDataTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.SelectFileControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.ChannelControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.transaction.SvOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.WriteAccessLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- VERSION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card.CalypsoCardApiProperties
API version: "2.1"
- WriteAccessLevel - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.card
Enumeration of the write access levels for the Calypso card Secure Session.
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