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AsyncTransactionCreatorManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to operations performed asynchronously.
AsyncTransactionExecutorManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to execute commands prepared asynchronously using AsyncTransactionCreatorManager.exportCommands().
AUTHENTICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Authentication key, to generate the signature of data read from the SAM.


BasicSignatureComputationData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareComputeSignature(SignatureComputationData) method for basic signature computation using the "Data Cipher" command.
BasicSignatureVerificationData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareVerifySignature(SignatureVerificationData) method for basic signature verification using the "Data Cipher" command.


CA_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.GetDataTag
CA Certificate (CACert)
CardTransactionLegacySamExtension - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Extends the CardTransactionCryptoExtension interface of the "Keypop Calypso Card API" to enrich the card transaction command set with specific crypto commands such as for example computation and signature verification operations.
CounterIncrementAccess - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
Enumeration of the different possible access rights for incrementing event counters.
createAsyncTransactionCreatorManager(String, SecuritySetting) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of AsyncTransactionCreatorManager.
createAsyncTransactionExecutorManager(CardReader, LegacySam, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of AsyncTransactionExecutorManager.
createBasicSignatureComputationData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of BasicSignatureComputationData.
createBasicSignatureVerificationData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of BasicSignatureVerificationData.
createFreeTransactionManager(CardReader, LegacySam) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of FreeTransactionManager.
createKeyPairContainer() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of KeyPairContainer.
createLegacyCardCertificateComputationData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of LegacyCardCertificateComputationData.
createLegacySamSelectionExtension() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of LegacySamSelectionExtension.
createSecureWriteTransactionManager(CardReader, LegacySam, SecuritySetting) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of SecureWriteTransactionManager.
createSecuritySetting() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of SecuritySetting.
createSymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory(CardReader, LegacySam) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of SymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory to be used to secure a card transaction.
createTraceableSignatureComputationData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of TraceableSignatureComputationData.
createTraceableSignatureVerificationData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiFactory
Returns a new instance of TraceableSignatureVerificationData.


exportCommands() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.AsyncTransactionCreatorManager
Returns a string containing the prepared commands to be executed by a target SAM.
exportTargetSamContextForAsyncTransaction() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Executes the required commands to obtain the security context, which will be used for future asynchronous write operations.


FREE_COUNTING_DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.CounterIncrementAccess
Forbids to increment the value of an event counter using the "Increment Counter" command.
FREE_COUNTING_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.CounterIncrementAccess
Enables to increment the value of an event counter using the "Increment Counter" command.
FreeTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to operations performed without control SAM.
FULL_SERIAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamTraceabilityMode
Full SAM serial number (4 Bytes).


getAlgorithm() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.KeyParameter
Returns the key algorithm.
getApplicationSubType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the application subtype.
getApplicationType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the application type.
getCaCertificate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the CA certificate retrieved from the SAM as a 384-byte byte array.
getCertificate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Returns the certificate generated by the SAM after the execution of the "PSO Compute Certificate" command.
getCounter(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the value of a counter.
getCounterCeiling(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the value of a counter ceiling.
getCounterCeilings() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the value of known counter ceilings in a sorted map where key is the ceiling number and value is the ceiling value.
getCounterIncrementAccess(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the counter increment access mode.
getCounters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the value of known counters in a sorted map where key is the counter number and value is the counter value.
GetDataTag - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
Enumeration of all output data tags.
getKeyPair() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.KeyPairContainer
Returns the key pair.
getKif() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.KeyParameter
Returns the key identifier (KIF).
getKvc() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.KeyParameter
Returns the key version (KVC).
getParameterValue(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.KeyParameter
Returns the value of the parameter whose number is provided.
getPlatform() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the platform identifier.
getProductInfo() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns a text description of the SAM.
getProductType() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the SAM product type.
getRawData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.KeyParameter
Retrieves the raw data of the key's parameters.
getRawData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.SamParameters
Retrieves the raw data of the SAM's parameters.
getSamParameters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the SAM parameters retrieved from the SAM.
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the SAM serial number as a byte array.
getSignature() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureComputationData
Returns the computed signature.
getSignedData() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TraceableSignatureComputationData
Returns the data that was used to generate the signature.
getSoftwareIssuer() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the software issuer identifier.
getSoftwareRevision() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the software revision number.
getSoftwareVersion() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the software version number.
getSystemKeyParameter(SystemKeyType) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the parameters of the system key for the specified key type.
getUnlockData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi.LegacySamStaticUnlockDataProviderSpi
Returns the static unlock data expected by the target SAM.
getUnlockData(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi.LegacySamDynamicUnlockDataProviderSpi
Returns the dynamic unlock data computed by an origin SAM.
getWorkKeyParameter(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the parameters of the work key referenced by its KIF and KVC.
getWorkKeyParameter(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam
Returns the parameters of the work key referenced by its record number.


HSM_C1 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType


InconsistentDataException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates the detection of inconsistent data related to one of the following cases: A de-synchronization of the APDU exchanges.
InconsistentDataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.InconsistentDataException
InvalidSignatureException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates that a signature is invalid.
InvalidSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.InvalidSignatureException
InvalidSignatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.InvalidSignatureException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
isSamRevoked(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi.LegacySamRevocationServiceSpi
Checks if the SAM with the provided serial number is revoked or not.
isSamRevoked(byte[], int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi.LegacySamRevocationServiceSpi
Checks if the SAM with the provided serial number and the associated counter value is revoked or not.
isSignatureValid() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureVerificationData
Returns the result of the signature verification process by indicating if the signature is valid or not.


KEY_MANAGEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Work file key, to decipher and authorize the writing of work keys.
KeyPairContainer - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
KeyParameter - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
POJO containing the parameters for a key managed by SAM, whether it's a system key or a work key.


LegacyCardCertificateComputationData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
LegacySam - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
Extends the SmartCard interface of the "Keypop Reader API" to provide additional functionality specific to Calypso legacy SAMs.
LegacySam.ProductType - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
All Calypso SAM products supported by this API.
LegacySamApiFactory - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
Legacy SAM API Factory.
LegacySamApiProperties - Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
API properties.
LegacySamDynamicUnlockDataProviderSpi - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi
Service to be implemented in order to compute the dynamic unlock data expected by the SAM.
LegacySamRevocationServiceSpi - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi
Service to be implemented in order to check dynamically if a SAM is revoked.
LegacySamSelectionExtension - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
Extends the CardSelectionExtension interface of the "Keypop Reader API" to provide means to define optional commands to be executed during the selection phase such as the "Unlock" command.
LegacySamStaticUnlockDataProviderSpi - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi
Service to be implemented in order to compute the static unlock data expected by the SAM.


org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
Components used in applications to manage Calypso Legacy SAMs.
org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
Calypso Legacy SAM data structures and selection API.
org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.spi
Handlers to be implemented by end user application.
org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction - package org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Calypso Legacy SAM transaction API.


PERSONALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Personalization key, to decipher and authorize the writing of parameters and system keys.
prepareComputeCardCertificate(LegacyCardCertificateComputationData) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "PSO Compute Certificate" command.
prepareComputeSignature(SignatureComputationData<?>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.CardTransactionLegacySamExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Data Cipher" or "PSO Compute Signature" command.
prepareComputeSignature(SignatureComputationData<?>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Data Cipher" or "PSO Compute Signature" command.
prepareGenerateCardAsymmetricKeyPair(KeyPairContainer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of "Card Generate Asymmetric Key Pair" command.
prepareGetData(GetDataTag) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Get Data" command for the specified tag.
prepareGetData(GetDataTag) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Get Data" command for the specified tag.
preparePlainWriteLock(byte, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to set the lock file of the SAM.
preparePlainWriteLock(byte, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to set the lock file of the SAM.
prepareReadAllCountersStatus() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Event Counter" and "Read Ceiling" commands to read the status of all counters.
prepareReadAllCountersStatus() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Event Counter" and "Read Ceiling" commands to read the status of all counters.
prepareReadCounterStatus(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Event Counter" and "Read Ceiling" commands to read the status of a counter.
prepareReadCounterStatus(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Event Counter" and "Read Ceiling" commands to read the status of a counter.
prepareReadSamParameters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Parameters" command for the SAM.
prepareReadSamParameters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Parameters" command for the SAM.
prepareReadSystemKeyParameters(SystemKeyType) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a system key.
prepareReadSystemKeyParameters(SystemKeyType) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a system key.
prepareReadWorkKeyParameters(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a work key referenced by its KIF and KVC.
prepareReadWorkKeyParameters(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a work key referenced by its KIF and KVC.
prepareReadWorkKeyParameters(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a work key referenced by its record number.
prepareReadWorkKeyParameters(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReadTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Read Key Parameters" command for a work key referenced by its record number.
prepareTransferLock(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to transfer a lock file from the control SAM to the target SAM.
prepareTransferLockDiversified(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to transfer a lock file from the control SAM to the target SAM, the key being first diversified (with the serial number of the target SAM).
prepareTransferSystemKey(SystemKeyType, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to perform the transfer of a system key from the control SAM to the target SAM.
prepareTransferSystemKeyDiversified(SystemKeyType, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to perform the transfer of a system key from the control SAM to the target SAM, the key being first diversified (with the serial number of the target SAM).
prepareTransferWorkKey(byte, byte, byte[], int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to perform the transfer of a work key from the control SAM to the target SAM.
prepareTransferWorkKeyDiversified(byte, byte, byte[], int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to perform the transfer of a work key from the control SAM to the target SAM, the key being first diversified with the serial number of the target SAM).
prepareTransferWorkKeyDiversified(byte, byte, byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Key" command to perform the transfer of a work key from the control SAM to the target SAM, the key being first diversified with the provided diversifier.
prepareVerifySignature(SignatureVerificationData<?>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.CardTransactionLegacySamExtension
Schedules the execution of a "Data Cipher" or "PSO Verify Signature" command.
prepareVerifySignature(SignatureVerificationData<?>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.FreeTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Data Cipher" or "PSO Verify Signature" command.
prepareWriteCounterCeiling(int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.WriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Ceilings" command to write a single counter ceiling.
prepareWriteCounterConfiguration(int, int, CounterIncrementAccess) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.WriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Ceilings" command to write a counter ceiling and its free incrementation configuration.
prepareWriteSamParameters(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecureWriteTransactionManager
Schedules the execution of a "Write Parameters" command to write the SAM parameters file.
processCommands() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TransactionManager
Process all previously prepared commands.


ReaderIOException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates a communication error with the reader of the card or SAM.
ReaderIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReaderIOException
ReaderIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.ReaderIOException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
ReadTransactionManager<T extends ReadTransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to "READ" operations.
RELOADING - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Reloading key, to decipher and authorize the writing of counter ceilings.


SAM_C1 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
SAM_S1DX - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
SAM_S1E1 - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
SamIOException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates a communication error with the SAM (e.g.
SamIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamIOException
SamIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamIOException
Encapsulates a lower level exception.
SamParameters - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam
POJO containing the parameters of the SAM.
SamRevokedException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates that the SAM is revoked.
SamRevokedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamRevokedException
SamTraceabilityMode - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
The SAM traceability mode to use with traceable signature operations.
SecureWriteTransactionManager - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to "WRITE" operations secured by a control SAM.
SecuritySetting - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Security setting to manage operations of a legacy SAM transaction secured by a control SAM.
setCardAid(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the AID of the autonomous PKI application of the target card.
setCardPublicKey(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the public key of the card, provided as a 64-byte array.
setCardSerialNumber(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the serial number of the card for which the certificate is being generated.
setCardStartupInfo(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the startup info of the card for which the certificate is being generated.
setControlSamResource(CardReader, LegacySam) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SecuritySetting
Sets the control SAM and the reader through which it can be accessed.
setData(byte[], byte[], byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureVerificationData
Sets the signed data, the associated signature and the KIF/KVC of the key to be used for the signature verification.
setData(byte[], byte, byte) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureComputationData
Sets the data to be signed and the KIF/KVC of the key to be used for the signature computation.
setDynamicUnlockDataProvider(LegacySamDynamicUnlockDataProviderSpi) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data provider to use for unlocking the SAM in dynamic mode.
setDynamicUnlockDataProvider(LegacySamDynamicUnlockDataProviderSpi, CardReader) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data provider and the card reader to use for unlocking the SAM in dynamic mode.
setEndDate(LocalDate) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the end date of the validity period of the certificate's public key.
setKeyDiversifier(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureComputationData
Sets a specific key diversifier to use before signing (optional).
setKeyDiversifier(byte[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureVerificationData
Sets a specific key diversifier to use before verifying the signature (optional).
setSignatureSize(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SignatureComputationData
Sets the expected size of the signature in bytes, which can be between 1 and 8 bytes (optional).
setStartDate(LocalDate) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.LegacyCardCertificateComputationData
Sets the start date of the validity period of the certificate's public key.
setStaticUnlockDataProvider(LegacySamStaticUnlockDataProviderSpi) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data provider to use for unlocking the SAM in static mode.
setStaticUnlockDataProvider(LegacySamStaticUnlockDataProviderSpi, CardReader) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data provider and the card reader to use for unlocking the SAM in static mode.
setUnlockData(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data to be used to unlock a SAM C1 (8 or 16 bytes) and schedules the execution of the "Unlock data" command in the first position.
setUnlockData(String, LegacySam.ProductType) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySamSelectionExtension
Sets the unlock data to be used to unlock a SAM (8 or 16 bytes) and schedules the execution of the "Unlock data" command in the first position.
SignatureComputationData<T extends SignatureComputationData<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareComputeSignature(SignatureComputationData) method for common signature computation modes.
SignatureVerificationData<T extends SignatureVerificationData<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareVerifySignature(SignatureVerificationData) method for common signature verification modes.
SystemKeyType - Enum Class in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam
Enumeration of the system key types of a Legacy Sam.


TraceableSignatureComputationData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareComputeSignature(SignatureComputationData) method for traceable signature computation using the "PSO Compute Signature" command.
TraceableSignatureVerificationData - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Contains the input/output data of the FreeTransactionManager.prepareVerifySignature(SignatureVerificationData) method for traceable signature verification using the "PSO Verify Signature" command.
TransactionManager<T extends TransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Common API for all legacy SAM transaction managers.
TRUNCATED_SERIAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamTraceabilityMode
Truncated SAM serial number (3 LSBytes)


UnexpectedCommandStatusException - Exception in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Indicates that an unexpected command status was returned by the card or SAM.
UnexpectedCommandStatusException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.UnexpectedCommandStatusException
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
Unidentified smart card.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.CounterIncrementAccess
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.GetDataTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamTraceabilityMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.CounterIncrementAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.GetDataTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.sam.LegacySam.ProductType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.SystemKeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.SamTraceabilityMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.LegacySamApiProperties
API version: "0.5"


withoutBusyMode() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TraceableSignatureComputationData
Disables the "Busy" mode.
withoutBusyMode() - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TraceableSignatureVerificationData
Indicates that the signature has been computed in non "Busy" mode.
withSamTraceabilityMode(int, SamTraceabilityMode) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TraceableSignatureComputationData
Enables the "SAM traceability" mode to securely record in the data to sign the SAM serial number and the value of the counter associated with the signing key.
withSamTraceabilityMode(int, SamTraceabilityMode, LegacySamRevocationServiceSpi) - Method in interface org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction.TraceableSignatureVerificationData
Indicates that the signature has been computed in "SAM traceability" mode and therefore whether the revocation status of the signing SAM should be checked or not.
WriteTransactionManager<T extends WriteTransactionManager<T>> - Interface in org.eclipse.keypop.calypso.crypto.legacysam.transaction
Transaction manager dedicated to "WRITE" operations.
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